cabin air filter

Cabin Air Filter Replacement

If you have ever been to one of those quick lube and oil change places, the service technician probably tried to convince you that your cabin air filter needed replacement along with a myriad of other items in the car.  While their job is to “upsell” their services, your vehicle’s cabin air filter does need to be replaced in the course of your vehicle’s lifespan.  Continue reading “Cabin Air Filter Replacement”

exhaust system problems

Exhaust System Problems

If you have ever been behind a car emitting a cloud of smoke or heard a loud muffler, chances are there was a problem with that driver’s exhaust system.  

In this blog, we review the basics of your vehicle’s exhaust system and cover some typical issues that may develop with this critical system.  Having a better understanding of your vehicle’s exhaust system will enable you to stay safe from toxic fumes and also maintain peak performance of your vehicle. Continue reading “Exhaust System Problems”

check engine warning light

The Check Engine Warning Light

Most drivers are familiar with the majority of warning lights that might appear on their dashboard while operating their vehicle.  For example, when the Low Fuel or Door Ajar warnings are lit we generally know what they mean and how to handle them.  But for many drivers, the Check Engine light is an indicator that is not only confusing but one that can create a moment of panic with drivers.  The good news is that you don’t have to be scared if you understand more about this warning. Continue reading “The Check Engine Warning Light”

Have You Looked Under The Hood Lately?

Have you looked under the hood of your vehicle lately?  Or, have you ever looked under your hood?

If you are like most people, you probably haven’t opened the hood unless there was a problem or a warning light suddenly appeared on your dashboard.  If this describes you, then you may be missing an opportunity for proactively maintaining your vehicle and extending its life and value.              Continue reading “Have You Looked Under The Hood Lately?”

timing belt replacement

Why you need to replace the timing belt before it breaks

Did you know that without a simple piece of rubber connected to your engine, your vehicle would not operate?  In fact, without this piece of rubber your engine could suffer serious damage.  This simple yet important component of your vehicle’s engine is called the timing belt.  In this blog post, we will talk about how the timing belt makes your vehicle run and why timing belt replacement is so important. Continue reading “Why you need to replace the timing belt before it breaks”

Take care of your vehicle cooling system at Car Kings in Wallington, NJ

Cooling System Basics – What You Need to Know

Take a moment to consider the following scenarios in relation to your vehicle:

  • Does your temperature gauge rapidly turn hot when you start running the vehicle?
  • Do you sometimes have steam or white smoke rising from your hood?
  • Are there pools of bright yellow liquid under the front of your vehicle?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, your vehicle’s cooling system is trying to tell you something.  In this blog, we consider how your cooling system works and what can cause it to break down over time.  We also review how to keep your cooling system maintained to avoid more serious engine problems.

Continue reading “Cooling System Basics – What You Need to Know”