Make sure to maintain these vehicle safety features

Are You Properly Maintaining These Vehicle Safety Features?

There’s no doubt that a number one concern for automobile drivers today is safety. Not only are our roads over-crowded with drivers, but the variety of road conditions and potential mechanical issues add an extra level of complexity to vehicle safety.  That’s why cars are built with a variety of vehicle safety features to make sure every time you get on the road, you and your vehicle occupants arrive safely at your destination.

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What are my dashboard warning lights telling me?

Have you ever wished that your vehicle could communicate with you? Like the car in the classic movie, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, or the modern version of the talking transformer car, Bumblebee – being able to communicate with our vehicles would be very advantageous!

Believe it or not, our vehicles do communicate with us. They do this everyday through the system of warning lights and indicators on the vehicle dashboard.

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Routine maintenance can help prevent catalytic converter repair issues.

The Basics on How to Avoid Catalytic Converter Repair

Have you ever sat behind another car at a traffic light and as soon as the light turned green and the car accelerated, your car was shrouded in a cloud of black smoke?  Or even worse, a terrible “rotten egg” smell wafts through your vents?  If so, it is likely the car in front had a problem needing catalytic converter repair. So, just what is a catalytic converter and why does your vehicle have one?  We’ll cover the basics of catalytic converters and review some ways to keep it working properly.

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Need cruise control repair? Bring your vehicle to Car Kings in Wallington, New Jersey

Your Cruise Control Explained

It’s hard to believe that in the 21st century, we actually have self-driving cars! About eighty years ago, that was most likely the same sentiment people had when cruise control was invented. That’s right, cruise control has been in existence for about eighty years providing convenience and ease to drivers on the open road. While the system is fairly maintenance free, there are some things that can happen that make cruise control repair necessary.

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Car Kings in Wallington, NJ, for all your head gasket repair needs.

Is Your Vehicle Ready to Blow a Head Gasket?

Have you ever described someone losing their temper as “blowing their gasket?”  Chances are, most of us have “blown a gasket” at some point in our lives.  This common idiom describes a person who is losing one’s temper, becoming extremely angry with rage, or losing control of their emotions. The figurative use of the phrase “blow a gasket” is not much different from what can literally happen with your vehicle when you neglect an important component, the vehicle’s head gasket.  Read ahead about the problems that can arise with your vehicle’s head gasket and ways to identify a potential problem on the horizon.
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Car heater not working? Bring it to Car Kings in Wallington, New Jersey.

Is your car heater not keeping you warm when there’s a chill in the air?

When it’s cold outside, the last thing you want is to have a cold car inside! That’s what can happen if your heater decides it will not cooperate with you this winter. While there are many reasons why your vehicle’s heater may malfunction, many of them are most likely tied to the cooling system of your vehicle.
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Is the ABS warning light on? Here’s what you need to know.

The ABS warning light is part of an entire system known as the anti-lock braking system. An important standard safety feature in most vehicles, they help you stop safely when there’s an emergency or the road is slippery. They do this by preventing your vehicle’s wheels from locking up and causing you to skid when the brakes are applied hard and quickly.

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